We have requested the following of London’s mayor.
Dear Mr Khan,
Following an earlier letter to you upon your accession recounting to my concerns in relation to TFL’s method of operation I am now writing again.
There is a large consensus from both Private Hire and Taxi that failures have occurred and that consultations and interactions have been ignored or perhaps altered to suit TFL’s purposes rather than that of those individuals and organisation who pay licence fees and I believe TFL have a duty of care to and that of Londoners too.
Whilst some matters are for the greater good there is a huge concern that multiple subjects are decided regardless of the problems that then ensue.
An approach to act now and amend later is far from perfect.
I would add that concerns I have voiced directly over medical testing and false reports as well as test centre concerns went unheeded for a long period.
It is concerning that in 2012 I brought up anxieties in relation to Ubers operation and licensing and was advised in a meeting that they fulfilled their obligations by John Mason.
Clearly there were issues that have allowed them to operate where others have lost their license for lesser infractions.
Turning to current events because of the rush to put through new Private hire regulations further complications have occurred.
On the basis of these greater concerns I am now requesting a formal enquiry in to the processes and decisions made by TFL on London’s behalf.
I await your timely response.
Steve Garelick
Branch Secretary Professional Drivers G56
07565 456776

Letter to Sadiq Khan London Mayor TFL Investigation
Posted: 2nd November 2016